A callback will be sent to the merchant's callback_url when the billing request is created or the status is changed


API Callback Documentation

Read more about common callback functionalities in the API Callbacks section.

CoinGate callback sends the data below:

idIntegerBilling Request ID
uuidStringGenerated UUID
statusStringBilling Request status
titleStringCustom title of the request
amountStringAmount requested to refund
due_daysIntegerDays after billing request will expired
callback_urlStringCallback URL
send_emailBooleanIf CoinGate will send an email to billing contact about request
underpaid_cover_pctStringUnderpaid coverage percentage by merchant.
created_atStringDate of blilling request creation.
billing_contact_idIntegerID of Billing Contact.
currency_idintegerID of Currency. Currency of the invoice amount.
receive_currency_idIntegerID of Currency. Currency that will be received on payment.
billing_request_itemsHashBiling Product ID, quantity
billing_request_urlStringURL of invoice.

An example of callback in JSON:

  "id": 1,
  "uuid": "6d93326d-f386-4b90-ab35-1eaab2673ba7",
  "status": "pending",
  "title": "Billing Request Example",
  "amount": "0.0003",
  "due_days": 1,
  "callback_url": "https://callback.com/exmaple",
  "send_email": true,
  "underpaid_cover_pct": "0.0",
  "created_at": "2024-10-02T13:16:49Z",
  "billing_contact_id": 1,
  "currency_id": 1,
  "receive_currency_id": 2,
  "billing_request_items": [
      "id": 4,
      "billing_product_id": 1,
      "quantity": 2
      "id": 5,
      "billing_product_id": 1,
      "quantity": 1
  "billing_request_url": ""