

API v1 is DEPRECATED and no longer maintained. Please use API v2 http://developer.coingate.com/v2

Payment callback (Payment notification) will be sent to merchant's callback_url when order status is changed to confirming, paid, invalid, canceled, refunded or expired.


Callback data is sent in POST method.

CoinGate callback sends data below:

idCoinGate order (invoice) ID.
order_idMerchant's custom order ID. You should identify your order or invoice or shopping cart by this value.
statusCoinGate payment status.
priceThe price set by the merchant.
currencyThe currency code which defines the currency in which you wish to price your merchandise; used to define price parameter.
receive_currencyThe currency code which defines the currency in which you wish to receive your payments. Currency conversions are done at CoinGate. Possible values: EUR, USD, BTC. Please note, that you will not be able to withdraw EUR and USD until you pass level 2 (Merchant) verification. To withdraw BTC no verification is needed.
receive_amountThe amount which you will receive when the invoice is paid. It is calculated by taking the price amount (converted to currency units set in receive_currency) and subtracting CoinGate processing fee from it.
btc_amountThe amount of bitcoins which the buyer has to pay. It is calculated by taking the price amount and converting it to bitcoins.
created_atInvoice creation time.

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

// print_r($_POST)

    [id] => 343
    [order_id] => 14037
    [status] => paid
    [price] => 1050.99
    [currency] => USD
    [receive_currency] => EUR
    [receive_amount] => 926.73
    [btc_amount] => 4.81849315
    [created_at] => 2014-11-03T13:07:28+00:00

See the code below how to accept callback.

Callback Retry Time


CoinGate sends payment notification while your application returns response 200 (OK) HTTP status code.

  • Sends every 1 minute if retry count is <= 5
  • Sends every 5 minutes if retry count is > 5 and <= 10
  • Sends every 10 minutes if retry count is > 10 and <= 15
  • Sends every 20 minutes if retry count is > 15 and <= 20
  • Sends every 30 minutes if retry count is > 20 and <= 25
  • Sends every 1 hour if retry count is > 25 and <= 30
  • Sends every 5 hours if retry count is > 30 and <= 35
  • Sends every 1 day if try count is > 35 and <= 40
  • Callback will be canceled if retry count is >= 41

After sending payment notification, we wait for response for 20 seconds.

Payment notification will be canceled and terminated if one of these scenarios happen:

  • Payment notification is sent 40 times.
  • If after sending payment notification we receive 301, 302 (redirect) status response. This commonly happens if you use "http" in your URL and it gets redirected to "https".
  • If after sending payment notification we receive 401 (Unauthorized). This commonly happens when your website is protected by password (Basic access authentication). Make your website publicly accessible.
  • When payment notification is sent to TOR network.
  • When payment notification is sent to private network (for example: localhost).

IP Addresses

Payment Callback is sending from servers which is described in API endpoint. This API endpoint is public, authentication is not required.
Live: https://api.coingate.com/v1/ips-v4
Sandbox: https://api-sandbox.coingate.com/v1/ips-v4

Each IP is separated by new line. Please ensure, that your server and third-party security services (cloudflare, incapsula, etc.) is not blocking these IP addresses.

Recommend regularly update your IP whitelist from this API endpoint.

Private Nework & Localhost

CoinGate payment callback does not send notification to private network (for example: localhost).
In localhost you can send test payment notification with cURL library:

curl -X POST -d "id=343&order_id=ORDER-1415020039&status=paid&price=1050.99&currency=USD&receive_currency=EUR&receive_amount=926.73&btc_amount=4.81849315&created_at=2014-11-03T13:07:28%2B00:00" http://localhost/coingate-payment-callback

Payment Callback Logs

You can review payment callbacks and your server response to callback in your account panel: login to your account » API » Payment Callbacks.

Accepting Payment Callback

For example: save code below as accept-coingate-callback.php and execute cURL command in your command line tool:

curl -X POST -d "id=343&order_id=14037&status=paid&price=1050.99&currency=USD&receive_currency=EUR&receive_amount=926.73&btc_amount=4.81849315&created_at=2014-11-03T13:07:28%2B00:00" http://localhost/accept-coingate-callback.php?token=5d02161be9bfb6192a33

// Your custom order_id is defined when you creating new order: https://developer.coingate.com/docs/create-order
// Also don't forget to prevent SQL injection
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM orders WHERE id = " . $_POST['order_id']);
$order = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

// token is your random secure string (for example: 5d02161be9bfb6192a33) for each order
if ($_POST['token'] == $order['token']) {
  // Handle CoinGate order status: https://developer.coingate.com/docs/order-statuses
  $status = NULL;
  if ($_POST['status'] == 'paid') {
    if ($_POST['price'] >= $order['amount']) {
      $status = 'paid';
  else {
    $status = $_POST['status'];

  if (!is_null($status)) {
      mysql_query("UPDATE orders SET status = '".$status."' WHERE id = ".$_POST['order_id']);
class CoingateCallbackController < ApplicationController
  skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token, only: :create

  def create
    order = Order.find_by(id: params[:order_id])

    if order.present?
      if params[:token].present? && order.token == params[:token]
        status = nil

        if params[:status] == 'paid'
          if params[:price].to_d >= order.amount # in addition you can check currency (params[:currency] == order.currency)
            status = 'paid'
          status = params[:status]

        if status.present?
          order.update_attribute(:status, status)